However, we suspect you’ll do what you always do and see the amazing transformations our clients get, read everything on this page you know will work for your goals and then, instead of taking action..

You’ll close this page. 

Proceeding to deliberate and debate with yourself if this is right for you. 

Then before you know it; a month, six months, a year passes and you’re exactly the same. Spinning your wheels. Stuck in the mud. Making little to no progress toward fitting in that dress or feeling any stronger in the gym; leaving you even more frustrated than before. 


However, we suspect you’ll do what you always do and see the amazing transformations our clients get, read everything on this page you know will work for your goals and then, instead of taking action..

You’ll close this page. 

Proceeding to deliberate and debate with yourself if this is right for you. 

Then before you know it; a month, six months, a year passes and you’re exactly the same. Spinning your wheels. Stuck in the mud. Making little to no progress toward fitting in that dress or feeling any stronger in the gym; leaving you even more frustrated than before. 

Woah. Are we like, mind reading mutants or something? 

.. Actually yes, but let’s keep that between us mm'kay.


We are Josh & Marzena Taylor:

We met when both heavily into bodybuilding and aesthetic driven fitness. Winning fancy trophies, sponsored by top supplement companies and working alongside the biggest names in the industry. The full shə-băng′. 

However, after constant injuries, mental battles and obsessive behaviours we became wise to the vast downfalls of this approach

And over our combined 17 years we've devoted our lives to one thing:

Uncovering, teaching and disseminating the best methods for empowering men and women just like yourself to build ridiculously athletic and attractive bodies whilst ACCEPTING their bodies.

Because we get it, we've been there.

We know what it’s like to have a million and one questions and feel utterly overwhelmed by all the (mis)information, hyperbolic claims, and utter bullshit proliferating the fitness industry and have no idea what to do or who to listen to.

We know what it’s like to constantly ice your joints and pop ibuprofen because your training program has led to yet another preventable injury.

We know what it’s like to look in the mirror and feel as if the person staring back at you isn’t a true reflection of who you are. To see someone who looks lazy, weak, and a shadow of your former self. 

Maybe you feel like we did for years, like the person you are on the outside is the farthest thing from an accurate manifestation of who you feel like on the inside.

You’re a motivated and driven high-achiever who wants to get the most out of yourself and your life… 

But your body doesn’t show it. 

Instead, you look like someone who has given up. Someone who has thrown their hands in the air and said 

“Fuck it! I guess this is just how it’s going to be.” 

But listen: You’re amazing. You’re perfect just as you are. Your body rocks and you’re worthy of love.

At INF, We CHERISH body positivity. But we recognise it's just as important to help people in their right and ability to positively CHANGE their bodies.

No guilt. No shame. No scolding you for wanting less cellulite or bigger shoulders.

Just appreciation and acceptance from a community that recognises changing your body can be the greatest act of loving it—and provides the tools to do just that.

What Are The Tools?

1. Custom Training Program and App

Each workout is YOUR workout through our state of the art app. Every time you step foot in a gym, you will know exactly what to do and how to do it with specific training protocols programmed for your specific goals, genetic predispositions, gym equipment and favorite movements. 

2. Nutrition Targets and Meal Plan Examples

Each meal is YOUR meal. Instead of getting just another meal plan or macro breakdown, we will educate you on how to make food choices, how to prepare meals the right way, and how to not be a slave to the shackles of calorie tracking so that you can build your diet around your life instead of your life around your diet

3. Weekly Feedback

You’ll be held radically accountable by us who will check in with you on a regular basis to ensure you’re making progress and help you overcome any challenges or problems you might face. 

4. INF Education Portal

Your journey isn’t just about getting the results. It’s about keeping them. We’ve compiled a comprehensive educational portal full of exclusive articles, videos, lectures, downloads and recommendations on all the things you didn’t even know you needed for long term success.

5. Training, Nutrition and Supplement Packs

You’ll receive exclusive guides not available anywhere else; covering the science and practical applications of training, nutrition and supplementation. The How’s and why’s to what you are doing.

6. Over 150 Tasty Recipes

Losing fat, building muscle and feeling awesome has never been so undemanding and delicious. With straightforward recipes easily scannable into myfitnesspal.

7. Private Facebook Group

You’ll be a part of a tightly knitted community of like minded people on the same journey as you. With continuous support and sharing each other’s wins. Your safe space. 

8. RESULTS (!)

9. This Hella Cute Avocado

Basically we’ve made it so it’s damn near impossible to fuck it up. 

All you have to do is put in the work. 

It's through our one-one coaching program that we’ve helped transform hundreds-upon-hundreds of awesome humans: 
  • From helping busy professionals skyrocket their strength, look awesome and stride into meetings without sacrificing family time
  • ​To helping university students make an impact in freshman week whilst improving their mental focus for solid study and great grades
  • ​To helping obsessive athletes unshackle restraints around food and instead balance the luxuries of life without losing their hard earned gains 
  • ​To helping stay at home parents flourish with full-tanks of energy and feeling desirable again for their partner.

Just like 'X' who 'Y'


So yes. You really can have it all. 

You can have the body, the energy and the lifestyle you’ve always wanted. Whilst having a shit load of fun throughout the process.  

The thing that makes inkandfitness different is we aren’t just changing your body. We’re changing your life. We take your fitness journey beyond skin deep.

To teach you all things fitness you didn't even know, you didn't know.

We make it faster and easier for you to do the epic shit you want to do and ensure that you can get the results you desire while actually enjoying your life. 

We are here to work with you and help you achieve the goals you've set. And sure, we'd like to believe that you could do it all by yourself.   


You probably wouldn't want Luke Skywalker teaching himself to use a lightsaber or Harry Potter his wand or Daniel LaRusso his kicks – so a little guidance is never a bad thing. 

With our knowledge and systems you will learn how to have the best of both worlds. 

To build a truly functional and awe-inspiring body and NEVER have to say "No" to another party, Netflix and chill or psychedelic trip for the sake of your fitness ever again.

Although we are forbidden to teach you the ways of the force, mystical spells or roundhouse kicks, as your mentors we are not fixated to one style. Whatever is suitable for you, we go with and get you results:

  • Don't like low carb? – We gotchu
  • ​Don't like training in a gym? – No sweat
  • ​Keto? – Cool
  • ​Veggie? – No dramas
  • ​Cannibal? – ... Urrmmm, *Phones Police*

And so, with all that said...

  • If you’re sick and tired of spinning your wheels and staying stuck in the mud, making little-to-no progress for years… 
  • … and if you’re fed up with trying to go it alone and you’re ready to enlist the help of people who have “been there, done that” and can hold your hand and guide you every step of the way
  • … and if you’re constantly waking up rubbing your elbows, neck and lower back in agonising pain from injuries caused by a cruddy programme
  • ​… and if you’ve had enough of the negative, dichotomous thinking around nutrition of good food/bad food or on plan/off plan that stops you from enjoying life
  • ​… and if you’re ready to reclaim the amazing body and athleticism you once had and give a single finger salute to the restrictive and narcissistic ways of most fitness regimes
  • ​… and if you’re ready to undergo a complete mind and body transformation so profound that the people in your life will shower you in praise and adoration, exclaiming “Holy shitballs you look incredible!”
  • ​… and if you are finally ready to wash your hands clean of the constant research, trial, and error and you’re ready to simply DO THE FUCKING WORK
... Then guess what?
With our help, you’ll have an unfuckupable plan GUARANTEED to deliver amazing results and leave you saying, “Ermagawd! I can’t believe I didn’t try this sooner." 

But hol’ up, before we make it ‘Facebook Official’ let us be clear:

Our services are not for everyone. 

We aren’t going to insult you with some sleazy, salesy line like "We have limited spaces". 

But what we will say is this: We only work with wonderful humans. So with that in mind:
  • If you’re not serious about getting results, changing your body and daily habits - then don’t bother applying. We’re here to help you as much as possible, but we’re not here to babysit. If you’re not willing to do the work, no amount of coaching is going to help.
  • You aren’t willing to trust our practice, follow our instructions, and be a coachable client. Well, coaching isn’t for you.
  • ​If you have a holiday in 2 weeks and want to get 'ripped 2 shredz, brah’ with 10 kg to lose. Then don’t apply. We’re not for you, ‘'brah".
  • ​​If you take steroids. Not that we have anything against steroid use, but we have no experience in this area to help you.​
  • ​If you don’t want to look awesome, boost your energy and confidence to superhuman status and take ownership of your body; don’t apply. 
  • ​If you don’t like sausage dogs. Gross, go away.
On the flip side …

If you want a stress-free solution to self-improvement and self-acceptance whilst having a metric ass-ton of FUN and building a life of epic proportions, then we should absolutely, like, be a “thing”. 

You’ll become a member of the inkandfitness family and we’ll take care of all the hard stuff. 

You just agree to put in the work and trust the process and you’ll be feeling and looking fucking awesome in no time.

Sounds good? 

Then here’s what you’re going to do next... 

Click that cute little green button below to schedule a free consultation so that we can learn a little bit more about who you are, where you are in your fitness journey, and how we can help you bridge the gap and get to where you want to go. 

This isn’t some high pressure sales call where we’re going to make you feel like a lazy asshole if you don’t sign up… 

… We just want to get to know you and make sure that you’re the right fit for this program before we get all serious and stuff.

You feelin' it? 

Then click the button below and let’s get started

Iron Clad Guarantee;

We’re not joking around. We’re so confident that online coaching will work for you, that we’re offering a 30 day, 100% money back guarantee.
It’s worked for tons of people, so we know it can work for you too.
Our guarantee is simple: If you work with us for 30 days and are unhappy with the program, the support or the results, show us your workout/data log and that you reached out for help throughout the program’s duration, and we’ll give you every penny of your money back – guaranteed. That’s it.
© inkandfitness 2021 - All Rights Reserved. This product was made by our sausage dog, Pablo who is the real brains behind it all.
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